Lessons Learned Sketch Preview from Curiosity with Gusto by Felix Harling
Future of Work

Lessons Learned From My Fellowship (part 2)

Dozens of questions arise during your day job. Most questions have a pretty straightforward answer. However, some questions have the potential to unlock real new insights and ask for more time to research. It’s essential to collect and curate those questions. Lessons learned #4: Curate essential questions. An interesting source for speculative questions is edge.org – an organization […]

The End of Cloud Computing Preview based on Peter Levine from Curiosity with Gusto

The End of Cloud Computing

The title of Peter Levine’s presentation (“The End of Cloud Computing“) is provocative. However, his presentation delivers good insights on what could be next. The sketch above summarizes the main points. Most companies have just started to adapt to the “Cloud Computing world, and are already confronted with the next age, the age of “Edge […]