Swiss Army Knife preview from Curiosity with Gusto by Felix Harling

What has the Swiss Army Knife told me?

Lessons learned from my 10-year anniversary When I started at SAP in January 2007 the world was a different one: Nokia achieved a 40% global market share, no smartphone believe it: no AirBnB, no WhatsApp SAP stock was at 33 EUR my kids attended kindergarten The world has changed massively since then. And the world […]

Lessons Learned Diversity Sketch from Curiosity with Gusto by Felix Harling
Future of Work

Fellowships Are a Vehicle for Innovation

Lessons learned from my fellowship (part 3) A fellow adds diversity to the receiving team. The fellow also opens his network and adds his web of connections to the receiving team. Thus, multiplying the potential to open doors e.g. for co-innovation with customers. This contributes to “across-team diversity” as described in this insightful article “Maximising […]

Lessons Learned Mentoring Sketch from Curiosity with Gusto by Felix Harling

Become a mentor for students

Lessons from my 10-year anniversary I’ve developed and nurtured a pipeline of more than 30 working students and interns since my start at SAP. I’m proud to observe these Generation Y talents grow in their career and make enormous contributions to their teams. As a mentor you also learn a lot about yourself e.g. by […]